We Are Going Digital

Happy New Year!

In true New Year’s form, Delzer has a new resolution to roll out: going digital.

Yes, print is our bread and butter, but we are ready to add some bacon to that sandwich—blog bacon, to be exact—because we are hungry to help you get it right by any means necessary.


Print Isn’t Dead

“They” say that print is dead. As we all know, “they” say a lot of things. We say far from it. The power of print. It exists. Print inspires, educates, informs, documents, and communicates. Furthermore, it excites and entertains. Most importantly, it unifies our collective human experience. And we know that just because we join the blog pool, doesn’t mean that print is on its way out. In fact, as the business climate evolves, it is exceptional printing that remains a constant (…but we might just cover our 8-color H-UV Komori Lithrone GL840P press screen momentarily so it can’t see us treading these new digital waters).


Feel the Power

We know what we are about at Delzer and want to extend that empowerment to you. Our team of industry experts has an arsenal of tips, techniques, and ideas–now just a click away as you crush your business goals and win your boss’s undying awe and gratitude for being so innovative and clever.

So grab 2017 by the horns: set those goals, crush them, cross off that to-do-list, and check back for more posts to help as you do so.